When Tony Goldwyn visited Dallas last spring in connection with the premiere of his directorial debut, “A Walk on the Moon,” he was asked how his own children had reacted to the news that he was providing the voice of Tarzan in the new Disney version of the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs tale. “They’re really excited,” he said. “It’s the only job I’ve ever done that they care about…. They think it’s really cool.” Goldwyn, well-remembered for playing the villain in the blockbuster “Ghost,” recalled an episode involving his daughter and Nathan Lane some years ago. “I was in Toronto doing a movie with Nathan Lane,” he explained. “My older daughter was five at the time, and loved ‘The Lion King.’ I would talk to her every night from the set, and one night Nathan said, ‘Give me the phone,’ and he did his whole routine from ‘The Lion King’ for her, and she freaked out. She was at that age where reality and fantasy completely blur, and they were singing together! And from then on every night she goes, ‘Dad, I have to talk to Timon!’ Then a year or two later I said, ‘Anna, guess what? I’m going to be doing a Disney movie.’ And she said, ‘Thank you, Dad.'”